June 20, 2024

Breaking the Chains: Bad Habits That Affect Your Mental Health

Woman in nature
In our fast-paced, modern world, it is easy to fall into habits that can affect our mental health. From the constant demands of work to the pressure of social media, numerous factors can contribute to stress, anxiety, and overall mental well-being. 

Unfortunately, often, while we try to juggle all our daily responsibilities, caring for our mental health can end up taking a backseat. Yet prioritizing one’s mental health has never been more critical in today’s society. Mental illnesses are among the most common health conditions in the United States today. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than one in five U.S. adults live with a mental illness, and over one in five youth (ages thirteen to eighteen) either currently or at some point during their lives have had a seriously debilitating mental illness. 

Below are several everyday bad habits that can negatively impact mental health and tips on how to break free from them.

  • Neglecting Self-Care. This is a common habit that many of us are guilty of. It is easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life and forget to prioritize our well-being. Whether skipping meals, not getting enough sleep, or ignoring exercise, neglecting self-care can lead to physical and mental exhaustion.

Tip: Make self-care a non-negotiable part of your routine. Schedule time for activities that nourish your body and mind, such as regular exercise, meditation, and adequate sleep. Regular exercise can help ease depression by releasing endorphins and other “feel good” chemicals and help you healthily cope with life stresses. On top of that, sleep is a source of physical and emotional resilience. 
  • Perfectionism. Striving for perfection in every aspect of life can be a double-edged sword. While it may drive you to excel, it can also lead to constant stress, anxiety, and a fear of failure. Continually pursuing perfection can be mentally draining and prevent you from appreciating your achievements.

Tip: Practice self-compassion and embrace the idea that it is okay to make mistakes. Set realistic goals and acknowledge your accomplishments – no matter how small they may seem. 
  • Excessive Screen Time. In today’s digital age, it is all too easy to become glued to our screens. Excessive screen time, whether on smartphones, tablets, or computers, can lead to feelings of isolation, sleep disturbances, and heightened anxiety. 

Tip: Set boundaries for screen time and make a conscious effort to engage in activities that don’t involve screens. Spend quality time with loved ones, explore nature, or engage in hobbies that bring you joy. 
  • Negative Self-Talk. The way we talk to ourselves has a profound impact on our mental health. Engaging in negative self-talk and constantly criticizing and doubting ourselves can erode self-esteem and contribute to feelings of sadness and anxiety.

Tip: Practice self-compassion and challenge negative thoughts. Replace self-criticism with positive affirmations and focus on your strengths and accomplishments. 
  • Avoiding Social Connections. Isolating oneself from social interactions can be detrimental to mental health. Human connection is a fundamental need, and a lack of social interaction can lead to feelings of loneliness and depression.

Tip: Make an effort to nurture your relationships. Join social groups or engage in activities that align with your interests. Connecting with others can provide emotional support and a sense of belonging. 
  • Procrastination. Putting off tasks until the last minute can create unnecessary stress and anxiety. Chronic procrastination can lead to a cycle of guilt, frustration, and feeling overwhelmed. 

Tip: Break tasks into smaller, manageable steps and set realistic deadlines. Practice time management techniques and reward yourself for completing tasks on time. 
  • Ignoring Boundaries. Failing to set and respect personal boundaries can lead to feelings of resentment, burnout, and a sense of being overwhelmed. Whether it is in relationships or work, establishing boundaries is crucial for maintaining mental well-being.

Tip: Clearly communicate your boundaries to others and prioritize your own needs. Learn to say “no” when necessary and respect the boundaries of others as well. 
  • Poor or Unhealthy Diet. Constantly eating junk food and other unhealthy foods can have a significant impact on mental health. Various research and studies highlight that eating foods that are high in sugar, fat, or highly processed can worsen your mental health and cause symptoms of anxiety and depression. A balanced and varied diet not only supports mental health but also contributes to overall well-being. It provides the energy and nutrients needed for physical health, impacting mental well-being. 

Tip: Instead of constantly snacking on unhealthy foods, incorporate foods with fiber, vitamins, and whole grains to improve your mental and physical health. The nutrients you consume through your diet play a crucial role in the proper function of your brain. Essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids are necessary for neurotransmitter production and overall brain health. On top of that, staying hydrated is also critical. Dehydration can lead to cognitive deficits, mood swings, and decreased focus. Ensuring proper hydration is essential for maintaining optimal brain function. 

Breaking free from these bad habits that affect mental health is a journey toward greater well-being and happiness. It is essential to be patient with yourself and remember that change takes time. By recognizing these habits and taking proactive steps towards healthier alternatives, you can pave the way toward a more balanced and fulfilling life. Remember, your mental health is always worth the effort. 

If you are having trouble navigating this process or need extra support, NEW Meridian Counseling and Therapy is here for you. We provide personalized treatment programs for individuals struggling with addiction and mental health using a combination of traditional and holistic techniques. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or if you are ready to start your healing journey with NEW Meridian Counseling and Therapy
